Success Story for Mixed Criticality Avionics

Thursday 12 April 2018

The EuroCPS consortium has just released the success story related to the development by HIPPEROS of a high-performance multicore mixed-criticality platform for aerospace, robotics and automotive systems. HIPPEROS ported his RTOS on a Thales platform using a Freescale  PowerPC  multicore  board,  which  Thales  uses  for  safety  critical  avionics  applications,  performance  benchmarks  and  isolation characteristics, and implemented a mixed-criticality scheduler with almost perfect performance scaling.


White Paper: You need an RTOS!

Friday 27 November 2015

Nowadays, embedded systems and more generally cyber-physical systems (CPS) are present everywhere in our daily lives. Computers embedded in planes and trains, wearable computing objects and medical devices are only a few examples of such technology-intensive devices in our modern society. As many human lives or huge financial investments often rely on these critical systems, they cannot experience failure of any kind.
